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Englisch ⇒ SMX Stockholm & OMclub-Party

SMX War on Spam

At my last trip I went to SMX in Stockholm, then to Berlin and – in 3 days at all – at last to OMclub at Cologne.

It was my first visit in Sweden, so I’ll tell something about Sweden and the people there too.

SMX Stockholm

Leaving Germany is not as easy from Bavaria as it should be: I had to go from Nuremberg airport to Berlin airport to get to Stockholm :/ One more reason to leave Bavaria.

I love to fly – especially starting at night and flying into the sunset 🙂

Airport Nuremberg at night
Leaving Germany

Stockholm Airport

If your only used to the airports in Nuremberg and Berlin – Arlanda is very big!

Landing at Stockholm airport (Arlanda) on Sunday night 11 pm isn’t convenient, but a bad surprise was waiting for me: I thought I would sleep by a friend in Stockholm, but I didn’t checked out where Ekerö is before I started my trip. A bad mistake! My most expensive Taxi-Trip ever.

Stockholm Airport Arlanda
Stockholm Taxi-Pricelist

Stockholm City

The SMX took place in „Munich Brewery“ building. Thx to my private hotel (Thank you so much, Mezza) I learned a lot about public transportation system of Sweden and I could save a lot of money next morning by travelling not by Taxi to the city of Stockholm.

Stockholm Munich Brewery
SMX Stockholm

SMX Stockholm 2011

The biggest surprise at SMX Stockholm where the lots of female speakers there. Much more than I’d expected and so I had very interesting conversations with:

My sesion was in cooperation with Mikkel deMib Svendsen to War on Spam, just after lunch break:

SMX Stockholm Session War on Spam

SMX Panel: War on Spam

It was my first time as an speaker in english and I talked with Mikkel ( www . demib . dk) and Bill (back-azimuth . com) about Black-Hat and Sex. My part was cloaking – and a few Tweets occured:

Twitter War on Spam Panel
Twitter War on Spam SEOwoman

Stockholm bei Nacht

Never before being at Stockholm, I joined the speakers-group at night and we went into the beautiful city.

I tried so much different sorts of beer, but the only one I remember was the honey-beer (never again).

The swedish people don’t smoke that much like Bavarians do, but they have a special art to „take“ tabac: it looks like tea bags, but they suck it – never seen that before.

Special thanks for a special night in Stockholm city to:

  • Mikkel (www . demib . dk)
  • Magnus Bråth (brath . se)
  • Bernt
  • Michal Zawiasa (maxroy . com)
  • Simon Sundén (sökoptimering . se) – thx for the cigarettes
Stockholm view from Munich Brewery
SEOs at Stockholm
Swedish Beer
Swedish Tabac

Leaving Stockholm, heading to Berlin, to Cologne – in 1 day!

I hate getting up early, but the airplane wouldn’t wait – so, after 3 days at Stockholm I went back to Germany – to BERLIN (I love this city!) at 4 o’clock I got to get up…

Arriving at Berlin Airport, my bag got missed. But I had a few meetings in the morning, so I couldn’t take the long run through the whole airport. Normally I’m lucky, so I thought it will appear anywhere in short time (and it did at Nuremberg).

What a Wednesday: arriving at Berlin at morning, travelling to Cologne at 2 p.m. per train, arriving at 8. p.m. and went direct to OMclub-Party:

Der OMclub Cologne

At first I have to thank my sponsor: Mr. Sudoku aka Martin Schlüter ( www . martins-meinung . de) and also thanks for the great VIP-Service.

Als Erstes muss ich meinem Sponsor danken: und auch für den VIP-Service!

All girls were dressed up – except of me, because of my lost luggage 🙂

But I met the Panda and everything was all right:

SEOwoman and Panda

Sexy Panda

Ever want to know what’s behind panda? Then look here for the sexy Panda:

sexy panda

OMclub Recap

I’m so happy that I trained for OMclub at Stockholm with lot’s of beer – the party was awesome!

What a night! So happy happy happy to meet my german SEOfriends again – thank you guys, you’re all SO cool!

Martin, Malte, Brense, Mario, Yannik, Simon, Gretus, Consti, Gerald, I can’t list and link you all but I love you!

om-club 2011

There are so much impressions about OMclub, I think it’s not necessary to say anymore than:

Thx Randolf (randolf . jorberg . de) – – more than 3.000 people – you did it – it rocked AGAIN!

om-club 2011

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